Friday, December 28, 2007

Merry Christmas(ya ya, I'm a little late)

Its hard to believe that it is over already. That somehow, another Christmas has snuck up and passed by.

My time in Calgary went pretty well. Although the store is short staffed and some of the staff is still undertrained, they were super friendly and I definitely enjoyed getting to know them. I can honestly say that I will miss the people there and look forward to going back to visit them. They were Fantastic (WINDEX!).

Coming home took a little getting used to. In numerous ways. First, I walk into the house(on Dec16) and there are Christmas decorations up. Christmas? Since when? I know, who would of thunk that it was coming whether or not I was paying attention. We didn't have decorations up in the restaurant, I hadn't decorated my room, I didn't even have Christmas music with me because I thought I would be home sooner. I hadn't begun my Christmas shopping. In otherwords, it was a little bit of a busy week trying to get things together.

Next different thing about life back home, less than 24 hours after I arrived back home after being gone for 5 weeks, my Brother and his Wife arrive from Denver. Now, other than the two short trips up for family weddings the last year and a half, both of which I was in the wedding party, and the week at family reunion where I definitely didn't get a chance to talk with them, I haven't seen them in almost 3 years! So it was super awesome seeing them and having the chance to get to know them a little bit.

The next day I go back to work. Well it turns out that I am finally getting crosstrained. Which means they are teaching me positions in the restaurant other than the Serving and front of house stuff. Awesome right? Well the thing is, somehow it feels like the reason they are throwing me in there is because they don't know what else to do with me. But its been almost 2 weeks of being home again and slowly I feel like I am finding my place again. I miss Calgary though. It might be time for a visit.

Finally, and what might be my biggest struggle with coming home, is the social adjustment. In Calgary I don't have much of a social life. Sometimes I hang out with the friends I am making on staff, but thats it. It is normal for me to go back to the hotel and sit around by myself, watch some tv, curl up on one of my queen size beds and sleep for as long as possible. While that makes it hard to come home, where I really don't have a social life, and not because of work(although I admit I blame my work) but just because... I don't really know why. Little desire to go out I suppose. It just gets frustrating because here it is not so commonly accepted and being home means being around people. I fear I am becoming a hermit...

Ok. So we had Christmas on the 23. Just worked out better for everyone. It was an awesome day for the most part. Church, lunch, games, gifts, games... Lots of family time, hanging out, snacks, great food, lots of laughter, and catching up. It was a ton of fun. We drew two names each this year and it was kinda neat to have some curiosity while opening a gift, wondering who it was from. My niece did an amazing job, she was such a good girl!

I got a guitar... Well technically I don't have it yet but we are going to go and pick one out real soon. Pretty psyched about that. I decided about 2 weeks ago that I want to learn and am raelly looking forward to it. I also got some Oilers stuff, including sweet tickets to the Rangers game next week.

But it feels as though I may be on Santa's 'naughty' list as well. Christmas Eve the brakes on my car went after the evening service. And late Christmas Day Night, my cell phone died. Add in to that my useless laptop battery(did I mention I bought a laptop?) and its been a very anti-technology week... Oh well...

On that note I feel like I should stop. I've been rambling for some time now. perhaps with this new laptop that I have owned for almost a week and a half, I shall blog more frequently, but we will see.

God Bless!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Haiti a no go

So I have been talking to people about the likelyhood of my returning to Haiti in the new year. I had it in my mind that I would go in mid-late Jan and return late April. Well it turns out this isn't going to happen so much. You see, they are full-volunteerwise- for Jan and Feb. I really want to be back by early May, and I had my heart set on 3 months or so. Anything less would simply seem like not enough after believeing I could make it that long.
And so, along with this discovery comes a few things. I have to tell some people who were thinking of coming down to volunteer while I was there that I will not be there. I have to keep working at my job. And I have to try and figure out something else to do in the new year. I want to travel. I am 21. I have so much ahead of me yet in this life, but I am getting to that point where I might be ready to slow down, get a place, find a career or go back to school. That means that I have to try and get the travel bug a little more out of my system. Although I do wonder, can you ever be rid of the travel bug once you've been bitten? Me thinks not... in which case I have to tame it, quiet it. And make plans to go to New Zealand or Australia, Ireland or the Netherlands, Italy or Greece, Spain or.. you get the point. Most currently I am thinking the Netherlands. I would see about getting my duel citizenship, I think I am eligible(sp?) for that, and maybe find a really part time job while I am there. Finally learn some dutch. Maybe get in touch with some distant family. But that might not stick. We'll see, I have to figure out someother things first.
So I am a little bit bummed that Haiti isn't working out. Ok. Alot bummed. But I will try my darndest to make it back there anyways. Eventually. It'd be nice to make it before my kids are gone, but perhaps it isn't a reality. Or maybe it'll be just a two week jaunt. We shall see. Only time will tell.
Otherwise, I am still working in Calgary. I have a weeks worth (7) of shifts yet and then I am done here. For good? No idea. They hope so. Not because they don't want me around, but because like anyone, they don't want to keep the 'trouble shooters' around. They want to be self sufficient. Things are improving from when I got here am onth ago. That I will gladly admit. But I will miss it. I enjoy the overtime and the pay check yes, but it is so much more thanthat. I love feeling like I am making a difference. Like my being here is helping. Like people are enjoying my company, but also that they are learning from me. I suppse it is human nature to enjoy that, but that doesn't change that it is how I feel. I don't mind living in the hotel room. Iam becoming buddies with the front desk guy, the graveyard one. I am building friendships with the staff at work, and like always, just as they get there, I shall be on my way. But it was definitely worth coming down.
On a humorous note before I take off. I went to the country bar with some people last night. Now, when I go in Edmonton I almost always run into somebody I know, but I figured since Iam in Calgary, not gonna happen. So we hang out for an hour or so, we are dancing and I see this guy walking by. I look at him and think, huh, that looks like my cousin. A little while later I hear ppl singing happy birthday, to this guy I think is my cousin, and its the rright name. So about an hour an a half after I first see him, he is walking by and I grab his armand am all like "Hey! Hows it going? I haven't seen you in forever! WHata re you up to these days" etc. We talk for like 3 or 4 minutes and the whole time he is looking at me kinda funny. So we part and say goodnight. Well another 90 mins later, he walks up to me with a shot glass and says "Hey!Come have a shot!" I look at him a moment and ask him, "you didn't recognize me did you?" His answer, "nope. I had no Idea who you were"...You know you have a big family when!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

My 'hotel'

And once again I am back in Cow Town. Here for three weeks this time. Maybe I'll take a day off in the middle but I don't think I am going home. I hate winter driving and it just takes way to much energy.
Its been an interesting couple of nights. I got int otown Tuesday, just as my shift began. Well it seems that morning a water main had burst so the whole place had been closed and was just reopening. Our district manager is in town, we just rolled out a new menu, and one of the first things he says to me is, you have a hotel for tonight? Well ya, I tell him, the boss booked it a few days ago. So he says to me, well they are booked up and I don't have one, can you stay at your aunt's tonight? Now, staying there is not such a big deal. I already have a spare key and she doesn't mind, so I call her to let her know and go to work.
I finished my shift a little after oe, drive to her place, dig through my bags in the back so that I will have what I need for the night without bringing in my suitcases, its just for one night after all. I walk up to the house, unlock the lock, push the door, and it doesn't open. It seems, that after putting an extra blanket on the bed for me, and leaving a light on for me, she stepped outside for a smoke, and you know those privacy locks? Like they have at hotels, that you can flip from the inside but not open from the outside? Well she flipped it. So I try the other door, same result. Returning to my car, its nearing 2 in the morning and I am cold, I pull out my phone and call a couple of times. No answer. Now what?
Well I tell myself, I know people in Calgary, I'll just sleep on someones couch tonight. Well, when you are going through your phone at almost 2 in the morning looking for a place to crash, all of a sudden I didn't feel like I knew many people in Calgary...
I finally managed to wake up one on the girls I met in Haiti. She heard my text, called me, gave me directions, and I slept on the couch. She is my hero of the week for taking me i at 230 in the morning.
So then last night, my DM has his own room, I am off at 2 am, so I ask them to tell the Front Desk I will be there, just really late. Somehow, my reservation got cancelled and they call me at almost 1030 to tell me I am roomless again... So now here I sit after spending the night at my Aunt's, hoping tonight I can check in. Not because I don't like being here, but because I am sick of leaving my stuff in the car. The drive is way further. And they promise that while I am in town, they take care of the hotel, its one of the perks. So cross your fingers for me?
I have to run, meeting the Haiti gir for coffee in an hour and I think I hear the shower calling my name...

Friday, November 23, 2007

As the Time Goes By

The keyboard at the hotel has officially annoyed me to the point where I hardly even use the computer there. For those who know me well, this is a huge admitance. I am adicted to Facebook, I love surfing the net, and when I have nothing better to do, I'll be on youtube or something else ridiculously pointless. But that sorry excuse for a computer has me at wits end... For now at least=)
I suppose in concurrence with that I should send out a thanks to my boss Matt, who while he will not read this, I still want to mention that he rocks. He lets me borrow his laptop to check my email and facebook while I am on my half hour break at work. Makes me feel important sitting in the restaurant looking at a lap top. It isn't alot of time, but it is some time and for that I am grateful!
Things are going pretty well this trip. The staff there is friendly and fitting in, being accepted as management and a trainer, and being allowed to be me while I work was quite the non issue. I trained a server, had some input on the training of a buffet runner, am contributing to the training of a relief manager, and there are apparently more to come. I get to serve every now and then, which I love and I didn't realize I had missed it as much as I have, because they are short staffed and undertrained, so having someone with experience on the floor (serving) is a really big asset. The staff has accepted me as one of their own, and honest to goodness it feels like I've been there for months, not just 11 days.
I am at home right now, but I am going back again. I start again Tuesday afternoon. I don't yet know if I will be headed down for one week, three weeks, or one there, one here, and one there... Hopefully I can figure that out this weekend but I have alot of things that I hope to find out this weekend.
And on that note, I've got to run. I am supposed to be unpacking right now(sorry Cheryl!) and getting ready to meet up with some friends for an exciting night on the town, Edmonton style! Take care!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Back to Calgary I Go

I have returned to Calgary.
My boss approached me last week asking if I'd be interested in coming down to help out again. I figured that in the long run it would be a good experience, learn some new things, make some money, and have a change in my lifestyle. So here I sit, using the same old computer as 5 months ago. Slamming the spacebar because it sticks and doesn't work very well.
In a sense I am looking forward to my time here. Like I said, I will likely have the chance to learn more aspects to managing, and having the chance to learn under different people will broaden my knowledge base. Making this trip again says to me that I must be doing something right because would they send me if I wasn't doing a satisfactory job? Ok. So maybe they would. They need bodies down here. And energy. And hardworkers. If nothing else I know I can do that.
I am bored though. I've only been here for two days and I am bored already. The last few times I have been to Calgary, there was a special boy here to meet me, to spend time with me, to enjoy the company of. This time, it is just me. I know a few people but just like at home, my schedule is all over the place and that makes it hard to make plans. So it looks like I will just hang out in my hotel room, watch alot of CMT, CSI, and Friends, and maybe read some books.
I don't know how long I am down for. Whether it is for a couple weeks or longer. Originally they told me two weeks, but they said that bother other times as well, so I assumed longer. Well upon my arrival, I found out that one of the managers here is going on a 3 week vacation in a week and a half, so I will not be surprised if and when they ask me to stay longer. But who knows really.
Ok. On that note, I am getting seriously fed up with this keyboard, my hands hurt from slamming the space bar every second, so I am going to take off. I know I've been slacking in updates so I will try to do better. Thinking about going back to Haiti so I can talk all about that right? Not like I would ever run out of things to say...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Am I glad to be home?

One of the biggest questions I have dealt with since returning to Canada is the seemingly basic "So, you glad to be home?". It is a question that can be answered so many way and in keeping with my recent desire to really enforce my own honesty, I try my best to explain my answer.
The answer to it is split. Yes. I am glad to be home. Home is where the heart is. It is where you can walk in and feel comfortable, knowing you have a place there. It is where you are loved, where you are accepted, where you are known and welcome without questions. So yes. It is awesome to return to home in that sense. To see all those who matter to me again. To slowly begin to catch up with those I didn't manage to keep in super contact with while I was in Haiti. To hug those around me and have them understand that, that is who I am. A hugger. To be in a place where I know my place. It is nice to be back to the familiar.
But at the same time. No. Not no I don't want to be/am not happy being home, but no I am not glad to be home because it means that I am not in Haiti. And wow do I miss Haiti.
It is strange to be here and look at my life from before. At the things that were in my life. The people that surround my life. I look at it all now and think that is has changed. It is all different.
Except that it isn't. It is exactly the same. It is simply my outlook that has changed. How I look at things around me. How I look at my life. How I understand and see people. How I look at myself.
I am not going to sit here and claim that who I am is different and that Haiti has changed everything about me. But I can sit here and tell you it has changed my perspective in alot of ways. It has me thinking about things from new angles. It has me challenging the things in my life.
When I left for Haiti I thought I was happy with my life. I was content, I had friends and a boyfriend. My health was good, I was enjoying my job and was advancing in it. Life was going pretty well. While I was there, I got a bit of a surprise to discover, after much personal reflection time, that I wasn't happy. Ok, I was doing what I had to do to get by. But I was getting by with the bare minimum. I wasn't Living my life. I was Surviving it(Just went to a Church retreat, so lots of thought from there to. It was an amazing weekend with fantastic speakers). And who in their right mind wants to simply survive life? I realized that I was in a rut. I was sitting there, in my comfort zone and coasting along without any effort.
Coming home with that realization is definitely an eye opener. Everything I do, everything I say I know think about a little more. I analyze it afterwards, I think about it and just try to figure out if what I said or did was the right thing to do. If it was who I want to be.
I am tired of my rut. But the question from that becomes, am I willing to do something about it?
I want to. But will I? The joy of life is I have no answer for that either. Just like I have no answer for pretty much every other aspect of my life... Got to get myself a 'univeral remote' like Adam Sandler does in "Click"
Ok. Thats all for now. I have to post this and read it over a few times. Think about it all again. Take care! Hope life is fantastic and phenomenal!

Back to Reality

Home again.
Ok so I have been home for over a week now. Slacking off again. It seems I tend to do that more often when it comes up updating this.
In other words. Yes. I made it home safely. Uneventful for the most part. Hour from Port au Prince to Fort Lauderdale. Made the customs man helping me laugh and had him socializing for a bit. 6 1/2 hour lay over. Met some man named Robert. If everything he said is true, he is unquestionably the most fascinating person I have ever met in my life. Heck, even if some of it is true he is right up there! Just over 3 hours to Toronto. Had the Custom persons talking a little bit(I enjoy getting them to be friendly. Usually they scare me so I suppose I was facing my fears. Or something. I don't know really. It was along time ago). Landed at 10pm. Now here is the fun part. TEN HOUR layover. Yep 10. Couldn't check my luggage, everything was closed. So I sat it on a cart, sat on it during a couple phone calls, and spent the rest of the night fighting to stay away. 4 hours to Edmonton. And bam. Reality.
Been busy since being home. Or it feels like I have been at least. Just got back from 3 days in Calgary. One of those cases where although the time spent is nice, it just isn't enough. Hate those cases. Seen a bunch of people. Feels like I have seen everyone I know but mostly that is just because it is so strange to know people here. Really hasn't been that many people. I've been home for 8 days, 4 of those I was out of town. Doesn't leave alot of time...
Before I start talking about what it is like being back, which I think I shall do in a seperate post, simply to keep the two random rants seperated, I want to send a message out to everyone reading this. Who did read it while I was in Haiti. To be honest with you, until I got home I wasn't even sure one person was reading it. I truly felt sometimes like I was writing to oblivion. Since returning home I have heard otherwise from numerous people and I really really apperciate the support. It may seem like a small thing, but knowing people cared enough to read my random post is definitely a good feeling. I am sorry I didn't post more often. Learn for next time eh?

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Life as I know it

So I return home in less than a week. It is hard to believe that it has been that long already. It is amazing to me how the first three weeks felt like months but the last three have flown by... Ok, maybe the first 4 weeks felt like months- being sick wasn't exactly a cake walk. But I suppose I expected it, that the second half of the trip just slips away right before your eyes.
I've been thinking alot about how life here relates to life back home. Thinking about the little things and comparing them. And there are differences that you would perhaps not expect.
Of course there is the language barrier. It is impossible to miss the fact that my english does me little to no good here. My Creole is minimal and my French nearly non-existent. It can be difficult not being able to understand a thing that people say to you. However, like I told a fellow volunteer today, if I had wanted to understand I would have gone to an English or Spanish speaking country.
There is the Race factor. It is something that we have to deal with while we are here. I couldn't tell you the number of times men have told us they love us, or that we are beautiful. We are white women. Therefore, they notice us. Children call after us yelling "Blanc! Blanc!" (White! White!). You can feel eyes on you where ever you go.
The food was less of an issue than I expected it to be. Lots of rice and bananas, but that is no surprise. It is not particularly spicy or unusual. I eat it without an issue so that alone says alot!
Electricity. Haitian electricity is less than reliable. From what I understand you can expect it for a few hours a day, and what hours usually varies. Generators are a very well used machine here. The generators run, and in the process store p energy in a collection of car batteries which are used to smaler watage of power when the generator is off. So if you want to do laundry, or take a shower, you have to first make sure the generator is one or there is not enough power, or no running water. Its a little strange when you wake or get home and your first though is, I wonder if we have power tonight, or if I am reading by lamp light.
Running water. Like I mentioned, if the generator is off, the water doesn't run. It takes some getting used to, remembering to listen for the generator before you plan to shower. Not being able to use water to wash your hands- hand sanitizer is a hot commodity as well.
Regular plumbing. Ok. That sounds worse than it is. We have indoor plumbing, don't get me wrong. But there are rules to make sure we don't lose that plumbing. Nothing gets thrown in the toilet, not even toilet paper. Takes some getting used to to put toilet paper in the garbage can. The toilet at our apartment doesn't flush right now so when it has to be flushed(which is NOT after every use), we have to bucket flush. When the electricity is out- bucket showers, hand washed laundry, and bucket flushes.
The water. You absolutely can not drink the water here. Which takes more thinking than you might figure. Ok, don't fill a glass from the tap. But there is more to it. Doing dishes requires making sure there is bleach in the rinse water. Brushing your teeth you can't even rinse your toothbrush under the tap. In the shower you have to make sure you don't open your mouth. When baking you have to be certain that you take any water used in the reciepe from the water jugs.. Like I said, it really makes you think about all the little things you use water for. If it is an option between a little extra work for clean water or getting sick(what we've dubbed Haitian Happiness), you tell me what you'd pick... Remember, the toilet doesn't always flush.
Getting sick. Not something you really plan for, something that you really hope doesn't happen. But when you get sick here, you have to deal with it here. Trust me, I've been there. It is not a fun scenario.
Driving. Driving here is qute the experience. There are few noticible road rules. I've seen stop signs 4 times(and 3 times it was the same one). No traffic lights- pointless as the electricity isn't reliable enough to run them. Paved roads are few and the ones they have are nothing like what we would deem high quality. Pedistrians definitely do not have the right away, they have to move and fast. Honks of the horn are to simply let people know where you are as much as they are to give someone heck. No lines on the roads, no grid for how they are set up. If you get car sick, Haiti is not for you.
Safety. For the most part, Haiti is a fairly safe place to be. However, considering the country's history, being outside the compound when it is dark is not a good idea. So, when it is dark at 6 30, we are already in the gates, which are locked, and we don't leave again till morning. This takes a little bit of getting used to considering at home we have the freedom to do as we please and come and go as we see fit.
There are probably more difference, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. But I hope this does a little bit to better let you imagine life here. It is a good time and you get used to the differences in the long run. You have to and they aren't so bad as they could be really.
As I prepare to leave you and start getting ready for bed, I leave you with a did you know...
Did you know that Banana trees only produce fruit once?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Psyc Evaluation Day

So we took a few of the kids in for their evaluations today. What happens is before a child can be proposed- which is what they call matching the children here to an adoptive family somewhere- they have to have certain paperwork finished. Blood work done, psyc evaluation done, etc. Today, we took 4 kids in for their psyc evals.
Now this may seem like a fairly simple task, but lets walk through it. 4 kids. The oldest is 25 months. There was also another child going to the eye doctor. So on the ride down the mountain, we have 5 kids being held by 3 of us, 2 volunteers and a staff member. There is no such thing as car seats in Haiti, that is why they bring us volunteers along. 3 of the 5 kids have never been in a car before. Have you got any idea how scary it is getting into a car with the knowledge that it is not only possible but probable at least one kid will be throwing up. Car sickness, motion sickness, nerves, basic fear.... Who knows. So you climb into a car, take note of where the barf bags are(literally), remind yourself that the kids all have an extra set of clothes in the bag. Mentally smack yourself for not bringing your own change of clothes. THen we begin our trip down the mountain.
It takes a while to get down the mountain. There are big (big by Haitian standards) Mack trucks rumbling down the road. It has no lines, there are pedestrians everywhere, the tap taps(Haitian bus system, I think I explained them in a previous post) stop whenever a passenger tells them to, the road is curvy, and it is not by any means paved and groomed to North American standards. There aren't road rules like there are back home, if you are passing, give a coulpe toots on the horn, I've yet to see a speed limit sign, and have counted a total of two stop signs in the month that I have been here.
So we make it to the doctors office with no major incidents. No sick kids, which is in itself pretty miraculous, and they are all in fairly good moods.Our second daunting task. Now we have to take 4 kids into a waiting room for up to two hours. One at a time the staff member takes the kids in while we keep the others entertained. It is amazing what you can find for a child to play with when options are few. A pair of sunglasses, a hello kitty off a back pack, and single toy car manages to keep 3 kids entertained and happy. After sitting there and managing those three without an issue, hardly even a temper tantrum, I feel like I can handle anything!
The evaluations went really well. Amazingly well. One of the kids is my little guy that was sad with life and not doing so well when I first arrived. Well since then he has blossomed and he passed with flying colors! I am super excited because now maybe there is a chance that he will be matched with his family while I am here! So amazing!
The trip back was a little tricky as it was nearing lunch. We pulled out bottles and by the time we pulled in the gate, we had 5 sleeping babies and a very successful day!

Here are some photo album links
Hope that works

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Templeton- my rat

I saw a rat.
That is pretty much all I wanted to say. I was sitting on the computers last night and a rat ran by. It is the first time in my life that I have seen a rat and I thought it was blog worthy. I have decided to call him Templeton (Charolettes Web anyone?).
Things are good. I have 2 weeks left and that is really soon. Hard to believe I've been here for a month already! But its all good. Dinner bell went so I got to get going. Have a great one!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

From the sickbed of Laura

I just experienced what was quite possibly the longest 5 1/2 days of my life.
During the day on Monday I had a headache and felt naseous on and off all day. We played cards in the evening and it began to go downhill. By the end of the game I was asking what heartburn felt like, what allergiest felt like, what asthma felt like. I had a pain in my chest and it wouldn't go away. So we go up to bed, I essentially collapsed onto mine. That was it.
I started getting hot and cold flashes. I was freezing cold, but my skin was burning hot to the touch. Turns out, I had a fever. By Tuesday morning my temp rose to 102.8. Needless tosay, by Wed night, when my fever finally broke, I was exhausted. The last 3 days were recovery.
Being sick left me with no appetite and not eating much(which, if you know me at all, is not like me in the least) means I didn't have alot of energy. So complete was my exhaustion that if I sat for more than a minute, I would start to sweat or even simply collapse back to my pillow. The thought of going down the the kitchen usually resulted in my curling up in a ball and taking another nap. When I did take the effort to make the short walk down, I'd stop in the living room on the way to rest, and the first thing I'd do in the kitchen was put my head down to rest.
Wednesday morning I started taking Ceftin. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic taken twice a day for 10 days. So I take my doses Wed and feel super naseous. I found out Thursday that it needs to be taken with food. Or you'll get sick. Opps. Well at least that meant I had to eat at least a couple meals a day. Even now just the thought of the pill makes me naseous. Friday, I was talking to Molly and she tells me that Ceftin dehydrates you. So the fact that for two nights straight I had been waking up throughout the night with a completely parched mouth. Normal. Needless today, I started drinking more water.
Now. All is well. I don't have my usual energy back yet, but that really doesn't mean much. I have some energy, and this morning I woke up hungry for the first time in almost a week. Definitely back on the upswing.
Home in 17 days. Hard to believe I've been here almost a month already.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Good day

Just figured I would send in a quick hello.
The hurricane turned out to be rather uneventful in our area. Apparently when they told us that it wouldn't have much of an effect this far into the mountains, they weren't kidding. First, from what I understand, Dean did not progress into a category 5, it remained a category 4. This is still a really large hurricane, simply a little smaller than they had predicted.
After all of our preparations to put things away, and 'hurricane proof' the area, I suppose I had expected more. However, it is best to be prepared and it is by far a better thing to get less than expected. We had som e fairly serious winds and rain throughout the night, both of which are still happening on and off, but otherwise we are finished with this hurricane. We have beat the threat =)
No major plans for this week. Not yet at least. There are 3 volunteers leaving and I have no idea if any are arriving. I shall keep in touch. Have a great day!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hurricane Image update

So Haiti is within that colorful mass. The eye is apparently passing even closer than we expected, but so far we have not got any side effects. We have hurricane proofed as best as possible and are braced for it as best we can be. Check out this website if you want more information. Thats where I get most of my information!
Take care! If I don't give more updates, well it is because we lose the internet when it is cloudy, so don't worry. Talk to you soon!

Hurricane Dean

This is the first, and quite possibly the only, time in my life when I will be able to come onto my blog and tell you that we are expecting a hurricane to hit in the next 24 hours. If you have been watching the news, perhaps you have heard of Hurricane Dean. It is roaring in from the Atlantic Ocean at 17mph, it has claimed three lives so far, and although people who have already been hit are claiming surprise that the damage wasn't worse, it is about to be upgraded to a Category 5. THat is the biggest of all hurricanes. The worst. Winds more than 150mph. And it looks like we will catch a piece of it. Here is a satellite picture of it. I got to go swiming now!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Bon soir (Good afternoon)

I know. I've been slacking off and not writing anything. I am sorry, go figure that happens right after I claim that I am going to start writing more often. But, I will try to fill in a little bit.
Things here have been going alright. On Saturday a few of us went shopping in a market. They markets here are nothing like they are in other countries I've visited, I suppose mostly because the tourist industry is almost more legend then anything as far as the Haitians and sellers are concerned. When we get to the 'market', we parked half on the side walk, half on the street, its simply the Haitian way, and 7 white ladies get out of the jeep. Needless to say, even though it was the smallest market I have ever seen, they were all very happy to see us. They followed us from area to area, everyone has "the best deal" and they nicknamed themselves Mr. Cheap, Mr. Liquidation, etc. It was pretty funny. I've never been hounded so much before though. Took some getting used to. But it was fun. We then had lunch at a hotel, moved to another little store(expensive!) and then ICE CREAM! It was made from Haitian Vanilla, which is way different than the stuff back home. It was awesome!
Sunday three of us took a tap tap to the look out point. A tap tap is the Haitian equivalent to a city bus. It is, literally in some cases, a truck with a couple benches in the back. They drive certain routes on the main roads, you simply lift a finger to get in, and say "Merci" to get off. It costs about 30 cents American. Somehow us three girls managed to get off on the right stop(despite me forgetting the name of the street) and then it was a long hike up the mountain. The view from the top, totally worth it. And we got more shopping in, once again, being followed around by all of the merchents. A pretty interesting experience in all.
I got a new little guy on Monday. He is healthy, happy, and really really chubby. He already has a family lined up and I get to help him figure out how to sit and stand, if I'm really lucky maybe walk abit, but I'll be thrilled with the first two choices as well. Power was out when we got back to the toddler house, so we brought water up from the well to get ready for up to a week of no power. Luckily, the generator got fixed so we do have power, but it was an interesting near hit.
My other kids are all doing pretty well. I think they are really starting to get used to me and warming up. My little two year old is doing exceptionally well. I can now get some kisses and hugs out of him and have had him laughing and smiling sometimes. He is interacting with other kids and the other volunteers, so I am really excited about that.

I am going to work on putting up some photo links on the blog page, otherwise pretty soon I will post a couple more as a note. Hope all is well witheveryone. I'll write a little about life here, not the day to day happenings, but the things that make Haiti different, soon I hope.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Immediate Prayer Request

I have an immediate need for prayer. For two of my kids here. There is good news and bad news in concern to these two little boys.
Good news first. My two year old came off his IV on Sunday. He was still upset and sad, but yesterday we had him laughing, smiling, babbling, dancing, interacting with the other kids, and even eating on his own. It was a complete surprise to see that side of him because usually he just sits around looking at those around him with a blank stare. It goes to show that with enough prayer, anything can happen. However, today he was a bit more back to his 'normal' self. Although he was sitting on his own quietly, I saw him smile only twice and the 3 hours that I spent with him, he ate nothing. Please help me in a prayer of thanks for yesterdays break through, and in a prayer to lift the saddness covering his poor little heart. It is heartbreaking to see him when he is sitting listless, emotionless, impervious to the world and I really hold the little guy dear to my heart already. He feels the same way, as he has taken to calling me 'momma' (Hey mom, your a grandma again=) )
The other little boy is 4 months old and came to the orphanage very malnourished. I would be surprised ifhe weighed an ounce over 7lbs. They have been trying hard to help him gain weight and strength but all the efforts are not sticking. He spits up his bottle and just can't stand on his spindly little legs or hold up his skinny little neck. A couple days ago I got another reason to be concerned about him. He caught a cold. A raspy little cough that shakes his entire little body and looks like it could break a rib. It has gotten progressively worse over the last couple days until earlier today, he went into respitory distress. One of the other volunteers is a nurse back home in the states, so she now has him hooked up to an IV and in an oxygen mask, but he is not doing well. Every time I have popped my head in to check on him, he has been crying and coughing so much. I really wonder how much such a little body could take. He also has taken a spot deep in my heart, and the very thought of losing him literally rips me apart.
So if you don't mind keeping these two little boys and the nurses and nannies that are caring for them. For health and happiness, for patience and strength, for love and peace. I would really apperciate it!


Here are links to a couple of photo albums with pictures from my time in Haiti so far... I hope to put links here for any photo albums I add..

Haiti- part one

Haiti- Day at the Beach

When I find some more time I will add more photos, heaven knows I've got enough of them! I will mention t hat although I can post pictures of the kids, I can not post names, so it isn't an accidental omission, and there are many kids, about 170 or so between the two houses.
Take care! Enjoy the photos!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Life as a Haitian...

First I am going to blame any and all spelling mistakes to come on the fact that the computer I am using, the backspace key sticks. All of the keys stick a little bit, but the backspace is by far the worst. THat is my disclaimer for the day.

Now onto Life stories. My life story.
I am adjusting to life here fairly well so far. It never ceases to amaze me that I have not even been here a week yet, really its only day 4 or so. I feel as though I have been here for months already. It is as if the life here, the system, the schedule, the work, has been something I've done all my life. WHen really, I have yet to have a full 8 hours with my kids. Strange how that may be.
So far I am surviving without an issue. I am eating the food, trying things that normally I wouldn't go near. Papitas (a dried out and salted banana slice), meliton(some vegetabl;e), acra(a root... I think it is a vegetable but i told them to let me thing it is just a root so that I wont admit I quite enjoyed my fried acra), and lots of rice are the first things to pop into my mind.
The accomadations are pretty well as well. I am staying at the 'toddler house'. There are two rooms for volunteers there, one has 5 beds, the other 4(they are bunks). Then a bathroom to share and the living room which consists of a couch, love seat, and chair along with a tv and a computer(for which the internet does not work unfortanately). The 'main house' is about a 20 minute walk down the mountain, or a 8 minute jeep ride. The roads are steep, poorly paved at best, and riddled with potholes, so walking or driving, it is always an adventrure.

I have 8 kids assigned to me. They range in ages from 2 months to nearly 3 years. A mixture of boys and girl;s and all levels of development. I have a couple that will require a little more work. One is about 4 months old and is quite possible smaller than my niece (who is about 6 weeks). He came in malnourished within the last couple months and is one of the tiniest babies I've ever seen. So I am to do alot of work with him in an attempt to strengthen his skinny little legs and his wobbly little neck.
The otherone that will require some extra work and time on my behalf is about 2 and a half or so and has been here for only a couple of weeks as well. When he got here, he had thrush around his mouth and because of it he wouldn't eat or drink anything. Also, his being admitted here was very hard for him and he has sunk into a depression. When I first met him on Friday, he was on an IV to get nutrients because he wouldn't touch food.He was listless and hardly moved when I picked him up. I could do nothing but sit for an hour with him, right next to his crib, and the whole time is just lay there, like a wet noodle, with little to no realization that he ws being held. I talked to him, sang to him, and my heart broke a little more each time I looked into his sad little eyes. I've decided my goal while I am here is to get a smile out of him. Well, yesterday, I guess the nurses had enough and they simply told him that he could either start eating or they would haev to put a tube down his throat so that he could start gaining weight, and he ate! He has come off the IV and is moving around mroe already. I took him for almost three hours today and while he doesn't the energy of your average kid, he did roll the ball with me, and cuddle on his own and play with a truck. I am absolutely thrilled and can't wait to keep working with him and am already more hopefull about getting him to smile!
Otherwise things are going really well. My kids are, of coures, absolutely adorable. I am allowed to post pictures after all, just no names, so eventualy I will put up a few photos, or a link to photos. I've almst been spit up on a time or two, and I am pretty sure today I got peed on, but all things considering thats not too bad. This morning we took picture updates at the toddler house and that required getting 75 kids changed, washed, redressed, given a sucker, and out of the room in little gourps and it was a gong show! But we made it through, with just three volunteers(Two are down with heat stroke from the beach yesterday, and the other 2 were already at the main house). So that was interesting.

I have struggled a little bit with homesickness, but nothing to bad yet. I am getting along with the other volunteers alright and making sure I can depend on myself as well as the girls who are there, three of them leave next week. I would expect that after a little more time here, especially if it continues to take so long for a day to pass and I keep the feeling that I have been here for ages, the homesickness will come. I', praying for otherwise, but wont be surprised either way.
I will try to post a little mroe frequently so that they wont be so long next time. But hopefully my thrilling dialogue meant you didn't even notice it was long =)
If I can add to my prayer requests, I wonder if you could pray for my 8 kids. I can't give you names, but you can call them whatever you want. In particular, I wonder if you could pray for the two little boys who are going to need that bit of extra, the malnourished, undersized boy, and the depressed, barely eating(but he is eating that is what counts), listless and lacking in energy boy. I already love the little guys and really hope that my being here will have an impact on their thus far short lives.
God Bless. Talk to you soon.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Bonjour- My first hello from Haiti

So Here I am. In Haiti.I arrived without an issue. They tell me that the airport was quiet and calm today compared to normal, which means normally it is quite chaotic. There were UN guys all over the place, and ppl trying to help me everywhere.
But, while waiting for my bags, I ran into a lady and her son who were adotpting from Gods Littlest Angels and were on their way as well! So, I had someone to walk through the chaos with.
The house is overwhelming. I have not yet met any of the kids, have met a bunch of volunteers(all of whose names I don't remember). They all seem about my age, and sounds like a fair few are from Canada and the States. So that is pretty sweet.
I"ve already made it through my first meal. Haiti food. Not sure what it was, rice and meatballs I recognized, but I ate it, and lived through it. GO Laura!
On that note, the other girls are waiting for the computers and I need to go get a tour and meet the kids(!!!!) So take care, I made it safely, I'll stay in touch! (It does seem like getting online will be alot easier than I had figured it would be).

So I got my tour. Met some of the kids, not 'my' kids yet, she is still working on that list. Tomorrow morning I start my days of working an hour a day with 8 assigned kids. Most of the work to be done is simple developmental stuff, holding them, hugging them, cuddling them, helping the older ones to sit up, stand, walk, roll over, crawl, and the even olderones, playing, helping them with their motor skills, manners(like cover your mouth, don't bite), taking them for walks... That sort of idea.
We just had supper, another Haitian dish. I admitted to them that I am a picky eater but I also told them that I plan on trying most of the food here. If not, there is always PB and J.
Taking a fair number of pictures, not sure how many will make it online while I am here, but I will have tons when I return, so if you want to see them.... just let me know after I am back.

So far it feels better being here. When I was sitting in the airport this morning, in Fort Lauderdale, I was nearly a wreck. Mom was in a diffterent terminal, and it was 7am in Flordia, never mind Edmonton, but all I wanted was to talk to someone, to get talked out of my near nervous break down. But, because it was early, with no other options, I made do on my own, made it through(with minimal funny looks from other people using the airport), and so far so good.

I can do this. I can. I just have to remember to pray, keep the faith, and remember that there are many out there who are keeping me in their thoughts and prayers as well. I am looking forward to learning some Creole, some french, to trying the Haitian foods(yes, even to trying the foods), to meeting more people, getting to know them all, spending time with the kids and making a difference in their lives, to learning more about the Haitian culture, and to having a memorable time... Here's to a good 6 weeks!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Greetings from Flordia!

Well the title says alot. Greetings from Flordia!
I arrived Sunday evening in Fort Lauderdale where I am spending three days with mom. She is on her way home from a work conference in Tampa, and I was on my way to Haiti, we figured, why not! Lets take a few days and have some sun and fun!
Things are going really well here, although I can't believe how much it rains! (Really, probably not that much, but it sure feels like alot considering I didn't expect any!) I have no space in my suitcases, which complicates things because that means I can't do any shopping, which is nearly miserable at times! But, thats ok, it is still fun.
Thursday morning I am off to Haiti and my nerves for that are growing almost hourly. I am excited, don't get me wrong, but I am nervous, scared, terrified, all of that. Good times!
Hope all is well for everyone. My time is up at the internet cafe so I have to go, next time I will try to give more details about stuff. Take care! Write you soon!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Less than 8 hours.

Half packed.
Ok. Thats a terrible statement because really, after I fill the other suitcase I could discover that I must empty them both and try again. So instead perhaps I will simply say, I have one suitcase stuffed full, under 70lbs, pack tight with baby stuff. The second suitcase is a little smaller, it has less large baby things to go in, but must also fit much of my clothes and belongings. I plan on taking a fair sized carry on, but again, really hard to say if it my first run through at packing will be my last.
I should be finishing it right now, but felt I needed a break. Not that I have invested much time in it yet, I still deserved a break. Besides, Karter is online and this is likely the last time I will 'talk' to someone until I return(not sure about the availability of MSN while I am there, maybe I will be pleasantly surprised).
I think I am ready. At least I am pretty sure I have purchased almost everything that I need. Sounds promising, you think? But seriously, I think at this point, despite the fact I have yet to pack a single thing that belongs to me, most of my prep shall become mental. I know, I have 3.5 days in Flordia to work on that, but I'm hoping to get an early start... Ha! Ya right!
Ok. I can do this. I have to do this. I want to do this. I need to do this.
Here goes. The 8 hours till I am in the air countdown...
Pray for me =)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

3 Days to Go

I thought I was almost ready for this trip. One more time out to pick up donation items for the Orphanage and then spend hours packing and re-packing, trying to figure out how it can all fit into two suitcases and a carry on, without being overweight. Not that I am complaining, because in the long run, if I have to bring an extra suitcase then so be it. I have plans to spend a fair amount of money on donation items though. Thanks to a few annonymous donations to be used as such. Can't wait for that shopping trip!

Then yesterday, I get an email responding to a few of my questions about the trip. No tank tops or spegetti straps please... Uh oh. All of a sudden I have to go shopping again for clothes, because I definitely don't have many light weight tee shirts that wont make me uncomfortably hot in 35 degree weather. SO, I now have to go find some cheap, lightweight, shirts WITH sleeves, because if I go with what I got now, I am gonna need that one laundry load a week to be upped to two or three(not allowed, but theorhetically). So a-shopping I go. Makes me glad I didn't spend more than I already have on tank tops. Thats for sure..

I can't believe that in 72 hours I'll be on my way to Flordia. Heck, I'll be in the Toronto airport almost at this point. Doesn't seem real!

How do I feel? I am petrified. But that doesn't change the fact that I want to go. I really have no idea what I am getting into and the more I think about it the deeper my breaths get. The more focused I become on keeping my breathing even and slow. In and out. In and out. In and out. Then I meet more people who feel the need to remind me how dangerous it is in Haiti. Yes. I know that Haiti is dangerous and poverty stricken and right in the middle of the typical hurricane belt(if that is what it is called). Yes I know that I will be there in the peak hurricane season and that the fact I know no one there, the fact that I don't speak the language, and, lets face, I will stand out like a sore thumb with my white skin and redish hair(or brown, depends on who is looking). But there is a difference between me knowing it and other people reminding me of it. It goes like this.Some person"Where you going?" Me "To Haiti" Some Person"Haiti eh? Phew. Why there? Isn't it dangerous? Gun fights, civil war, hurricanes. I know someone who was there and they would have to spend entire days laying on the floor because of the gun fighting outside their building." Thanks. I think I'd rather not know. But that is my random vent of the morning.

Karter came to visit for a night. Hit up a couple 'touristy' things in Edmonton, if you can call them as such. Had a good time, it distracted me from the thought that I was leaving so soon. Sounds like I will be heading out to New Brunswick with him shortly after I return from Haiti. But nothing official yet. To hard to plan something like that with the trip not even started yet. But, thanks for visiting Karter:) Theres a pic from the Legislature grounds.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

10 days to go

I'd like to start by sending out a happy one month out to my wonderful niece, Kiera. I really can't believe she is a month old already!

I spent most of today over there, holding her. Getting in my time before I leave I suppose, because guess where I am headed tomorrow? Yep. Back to Dale and Mar's to spend a few hours there. Its a pretty good deal. I get to visit with Mar, hold Kiera, and feel like I am helping because it gives her company and a break. So tomorrow is focused on getting out of the house. Run some errands- random stuff, but so perhaps I can sit with Kiera while Mar does whatever she needs to do. I'm excited.

No more work for me. That feels weird. People keep asking why I wanted so much time off and I don't know. I wanted it so that I could do stuff, visit with people, maybe make a trip west, that sort of thing, but I am not so sure about the trip to BC anymore. Just feels like time is running out. We'll see.

The trip is really starting to come together. Picked up some more weather appropriate, modestly styled clothes for Haiti. Need a couple more shirts maybe because many of mine are borderline and not something to wear there. Otherwise I just have to pick up my over the counter meds, cold medication, tylenol, stuff like that for myself. And then I think I will be ready... Crazy thought.

Donations are really coming together as well. It is at the point where I am going to switch my focus to collecting items for the orphange. Things like mild soap, crib sheets, liquid tylenol and vitamins for infants, formula... that sorta stuff. I am collecting those things, and I am going to go out and spend a bunch of money on that stuff. My goal is to fill a big suitcase with donation stuff. Lofty goal? Perhaps. If all else fails, I'll buy diapers:) But seriously, they need this stuff more then I need the money that will buy it, so why not?

I am pretty nervous about the trip. Well in some ways I am. I'm sorry that I was reminded that this is going to be Hurricane season and Haiti is right in the middle of the Carribean. It's been a few years since their last serious one, but that isn't really a comfort. I'm worried that I really have no idea what I am getting into. But then I go and hold Kiera and I remember that it doesn't matter. I got love and I was called to do this, so it'll be ok.

10 sleeps... well 9 really because I highly doubt I will sleep the night before... Home stretch. I can now count it on my own two hands.

Take a deep breath Laura... A deep breath...

Monday, July 09, 2007

3 weeks and counting! My blog countdown begins

Three weeks.. 21 days..
Ok. To be fair it is technically more because I fly out of Edmonton on the 29th. Off to Flordia where I meet mom for a couple days, so I suppose I should be counting for the 2nd, when I actually land in Port Au Prince. BUT, I leave for my adventure on the 29th and that is what I want to count down to.
Got my Hep A. Finished that for life. It is a needle and I didn't faint or get woozy or queasy or anything. Pretty pumped about that. Have Malaria pills. And 'broad spectrum anti-biotics'. Sounds scary more then anything.
I've only got 3 shifts left before I begin my leave of absence. Wednesday will be my last shift before my 10 weeks off. And by Wednesday night, I'll be in Calgary. Karter and I are going to Stampede on Thursday, and camping with Robin and Marty and maybe some other people for the weekend. Then, as I enter into my final 2 weeks, I have no idea what I will be doing. Maybe going to Vernon to visit my grandparents. If I do that, perhaps I'll continue down the road to the Vancouver area to say hi to a Joy there. We'll see. I have 2 weeks of no major responsibilities, so no stress about it. I hope.
I think I'm gonna miss my work. I really do love my job. Managing in Edmonton is so easy because of all the staff, and they know that I do know what I am talking about. Alot of customers come in, look at me, and call me over so that I can explain to them why I am wearing a managers vest instead of a red servers shirt. Then they ask where I've been and if I am back for good, so many of them end up hearing about the trip. I can't believe the number of them who have asked me to bring back pictures to share. Or how many tell me that they'll miss me. I know its work, but it's a neat feeling and its sorta like a really disfunctional family. I love it.
3 weeks. 21 days. Wow...

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Gotta warn you, its honest and straight from the heart

You ever get one of those moods where you are convinced that nothing could go right? A moment or a day in your life where you just know you aren't good company for anyone, especially those who matter to you. One of those moods where you feel like you've done nothing of importance in your life and its at that time that you realize that you really don't know what matters anymore. You don't know why you work where you do, or why you live where you do, or why you do what you do. You just don't know because the realization hits you flat on your butt, you really don't know what you are doing in life or why you are doing.
You know the mood. The one that sets in for no apparent reason and has you feeling like grabbing a 4 liter pail of ice cream, the biggest spoon you can find, a blanket to curl up under, a teddy bear to cling to, and the biggest tear jerker of a movie ever made because then if you cry no one wonders why. Or, as I read in a book one time, you want to grab a couple dozen eggs, go into the bathroom, and throw the eggs in your shower. (Stress relieving and practical for cleaning later on). Or maybe you are more of a doer and you just want to go outside, stand in a quiet place, and scream at the top of your lungs as loudly and as long as humanly possible.
We never talk about these moods, but they hit. Or they hit me, so I assume it is normal and other people get them too. No, I don't want to talk about whats bothering me, I don't know what it is so please don't ask, I wont tell you. I can't. I just figured with my trip to Haiti less than a month away I should really start practising my honesty. I want to give from the heart descriptions while I am there so I might as well start now. Get used to baring my soul to the internet where people may, or may not, read this and care... Not gonna lie. Its gonna be really hard to click post on this one.
The mood will pass. They always do, so don't worry. No one is home and typing this sorta made me feel like I was telling someone. I think I'll have a cup of tea and go to bed early(early for me at least). Be better by morning.

Less than a month till Haiti. I leave 4 weeks from tomorrow. Scary scary scary thought.
Have a good night.

Friday, June 29, 2007

First things first...

I Ate Lobster.
To many of you this may seem like not such a big thing, but it is. Huge really for me. I don't eat seafood, vegetables, foreign food, oriental food... pretty much if it isn't something I am used to I wont try it. But Tuesday night, Karter and I were in Lethbridge for supper, we ate in the Water Tower, he had lobster and somehow talked me into trying it. After putting it off for most of the meal, FINALLY I try my little piece and it started out ok. It wasn't good, but it wasn't bad and I thought, well its better then I expected. BUT THEN all of a sudden, it tasted like it smells and that is a terrible smell so I think I have decided I don't like it. But I tried it. One battle at a time!
Went to Drumheller on Monday. Checked out the museum and a bunch of other tourist things, unfortunately we got rained and hailed on so we stayed in the car for the most part, but it was still a good time. Then sat on the beach at Little Bow Provincial Park for a couple hours before driving to Lethbridge for supper.
Here is are a couple links to pics from Drumheller, Vulcan, Little Bow, and maybe even from Lethbridge. Its my first time trying to use these links so if it doesn't work I am sorry!
Finished my last couple shifts in Calgary. Went ok, rather uneventful. I am back in Edmonton again, supposedly for good this time, but it still doesn't quite feel like this is where I'll be for the next month and a bit. They aren't sure where I fit in the Edmonton schedule, which sucks because that means I might not get shifts and wont make any more money before Haiti. I need to make a bit more to get my finances in better order. Pretty soon I have to start paying back my student loan, got to start paying my AHC, got to keep paying my cell phone and car insurance and gas, and in looking to move out I am sure my bills will just continue to climb...
Maybe instead of moving out I will go travel some more, get a job anywhere that isn't Alberta and find some cheap way to live... Not likely though... Oh well.
Saw my neice again. She is absolutely beautiful and if the links about work this time then I will attempt another one next time I post. Have a great day and remember to laugh about something, anything. It really does put you in a better mood.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Some random musings...

First things first. I AM AN AUNTIE!!! I am really excited about it, in case you couldn t tell, and she is perfect. Her name is Keira Lea, she was born at about 1230 Tuesday morning, 3 weeks early, and weighed in at 6 lbs and measured about 49cms... She is absolutely beautiful and a part of me can't wait to return to Edmonton just so I can sit and hold her for a long time!
Haiti is approaching. In less than 5 weeks I will be in Flordia, bracing for my 6 weeks in Haiti. How do I feel about it? I'm absolutely terrified to be honest. I know I keep saying that it is something that I was called to do and something that I didn't choose so much as it chose me, but somehow that fact keeps slipping my mind and all I can think about is how dangerous the country is. How poverty stricken it is. How completely foreign to anything I know it is. How little I will understand of whats going on around me, because my little bit of Spanish sure wont help when they are speaking Creole(a mixture of french and African dielect). I am developing fears that perhaps I will get there, spend my 8 hours a day holdng the babies(as per my job description) and find out that my love for kids doesn't go as deep as I thought. What if I am not qualified for the job? I don't really have alot of experience with Kids.... Anyways. I am still going, I promise that much. I am just scared to death and ffigured I would voice it.
Calgry rocks. I got a suite this time for my hotel room. A king size bed with french doors seperating it from the sitting area. Both rooms have a TV and space. and If I have guests, the couch is a pull out bed... Its cool. Only 2 shifts left and then its home time. Bak to what, I don't know. starting to feel like I am leaving behind more of a life here than I left in Edmonton... Scary thought...
But on that note, I've got to get going. The boys are waiting on me and there are things to do. Sorry for the honesty of this blog. I figure while I am in Haiti I should be really upfront about what I am thinking so that it is really clear and paints an accurate picture. Time to start practising my complete honesty.
Have a good one!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Calgary part 8

Home for a couple of days. Feels a little strange. Like I am visiting. Maybe it is just because I know it is just for a couple of days, who knows! Back to work on Wednesday morning again. It looks like it'll be through Sunday and then that's it. I think. Stopped by my own J a couple of times and it amazes me how different my attachments to each place are. Edmonton is home, I've been employed by the Flying J for two years as of last Thursday, thats a long time in my world to be working somewhere. But the Calgary J, I've helped with the open. I went in there, knowing what was going on, aware of what to expect, and left a part of me in that building. My heart is in that place because I had a hand in the beginning and that makes a difference to me. Strange, maybe, but thats the way it is.
Gonna be strange to come back to Edmonton. I've gotten so accustomed to being a manager that returning as a server just wont seem natural. I know I shouldn t count my chickens before they hatch, maybe I slip into serving again no problem and discover I missed it more than I thought and give up on ever wanting to manage, but in looking ahead I worry about the adjustment... Oh well. Only time will tell how it goes.
Two of my little brothers are graduating next week. Hard to believe that was me three years ago. Definitely not where I thought I would be at this point in my life. Not complaining, just not what I expected.
Here are a few pictures from the last few weeks.

This is at my parents surprise 30th anniversary. Three of the four Boskers girls, and our first niece or nephew.

In Banff near to Bow Falls

At the Cave and Basin in Banff National Park...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Calgary Part 7 (Part 2 volume 2)

SO things are going awesome. I only have a minute because someone is waiting for the computer but I just wanted to add a little something. Went to the Zoo, did I mention that? It was super awesome had a great morning. During my 4 days off I went on an overnight trip to Banff with Carter, and we had an awesome time! Did a bunch of the tourist stuff, gondola, Cave and Basin, Hoo Doos, Bow Falls, made national news, climb partways up a mountin to check out a waterfall, sat by a lake or two... It was sweet.
Work is going alright. It is strange still sometimes to look at myself and see a manager. I don't really have any of the special training and so am constantly second guessing myself as to decisions I make, big ones and little ones, but it is still awesome. I love the atmosphere here and the staff is super friendly. Definitely glad that I returned to help out again for another month.
My sister in law, Mar, is due in less than a month, and I am sooooooo excited! Everytime I see a calender, my first thought is on how soon I become an Auntie. I Hope it isn't early so that I will be back intown bythen.
Haiti is also approaching alot faster than I know how to handle. I am really excited and nervous and everything, all at once!
But I really got to go. I'll write more coherently and less random brain farts order next time... maybe...

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Calgary Part 1(Or is it 6?) volume 2

So. Back in Calgary. Been here since Friday, started working Saturday. 2-12am shifts, everyday. On Monday coming up I will find out if I am taking/getting a day off or a few days to go home or what. Hopefully that will also be the day that I find out how long my stint here will be.
I am here as a relief manager this time. I was worried before hand, first because I have never officially been a manager before(I say officially because I was essentially managing last time I was here, just without the title.) Second because I was worried about how the staff would react to my return. Well, it seems that between my last visit here and my style of serving, managing generally feels like a baby step. There are aspects of it that are very different, I've worked 5 shifts and it feels as though I have been here for a month or longer. Dealt with alot of crap in those 5 shifts and I really hope that I can use my experience as a Flying J server to help things run a little smoother here. As for the second thing, no need to worry there either. The staff that knew me from before was happy to see me again, and the new staff hasn't taken long to win over. I listen to them. And try to help in all areas. Thats two of the big things I expect from my managers and it seems to please the staff here as well.
Otherwise keeping pretty busy as well. Still tanning(getting my base tan so that I wont burn in Haiti). Went to the zoo before work yesterday(It was AWESOME! Pics to follow after I return home). Went to the Calgary Tower(from Cool Runnings... you know, "Jamica we have a bobsled team") with the intention of going up it, but it was like 13 bucks! So I glanced at the shop on the bottom, took a pic from a block away, got back on the train and returned to my car. Going to meet my aunt for breakfast tomorrow... Going well, no complaints.
On that note, its 130 and my laundry should be done. Between that and the fact the space bar sticks and this is taking way more effort than I imagined, I am taking off.
Have a great night!

Friday, May 25, 2007

If you whine about it, it will change...

So I post a whine about not going to Calgary, and what do you know. A couple hours later I finally get the phone call saying, so are you halfway there yet? I start tomorrow, mostly 2nd shift it sounds, but that is better than graveyards... So, just thought I would mention the change in plan.


I would leave town by noon on Friday. That was the plan. I would get to Calgary with enough time to work a short(6-8 hour) shift, go to the hotel and on Saturday I would being my 10 hour days. Well. Friday at noon has come and gone. I am still sitting at home, waiting. I haven't heard from work yet and to be honest I don't even know if I am still going down to Calgary! Ya, they are short staffed pretty much all over, but in the last week, our store has lost 3 servers(2 were new so that really isn't to bad, just means we need to train someone else), a manager, and a kitchen staff member has essentially disappeared. No one has heard from her, no one can get a hold of her, or her family, and we literally have no idea where she is. So all of a sudden, the Edmonton store has gaping spots that need to be filled and my leaving for a month would just increase the difficulties. Therefore, my boss, Winnie, is 'working on' trying to figure out if it works and how it works. I've called twice already today, I called twice and stopped in yesterday(on my day off), I called and stopped in on Wesnesday(a day off), and while I worked the double shift on Tuesday, I reminder her a few times. Yet somehow I still have no idea what is going on! So frustrating!

On a brighter note, mom and dads surprise anniversary thing went amazingly well. They were super surprised, we had like20-30 people here, everyone seemed to have a good time. It was pretty awesome.
Here is a picture of my sister Shelly and I rubbing our Sister-in-law's tummy. She is due early July and is really starting to pop out. We are thrilled because that means we will be aunties for the first time.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Debit Card= GONE!

Lucky me, I have once again managed to lose a lifeline. The last time was in Calgary, when my phone went on the fritz, stopped working, and left me without any phone numbers or way to get a hold of anyone for over a week. This time? My Debit card was eaten by an ATM today! So much for convienence and all of that stuff! And because it is a credit union card and I was at an ATB, they wouldn't replace it! No such a big deal except now I have to go all the way out to St. Albert, to my home bank, just to get a new card. TERRIBLE!
Just thought I would rant about that for a bit... I'll have a new card by this time tomorrow, but it still bites that I had to cut my errands short.
Have a great night! Enjoy the rain and thinking about eating some ice cream! I plan to!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

From the desk of Smilely (which is me, Laura...)

Off to Calgary again. I leave Friday morning for a month long stint at their location. Going down as a manager officially this time. A relief manager to be exact. Pretty psyched really because it is 10 hour days, possibly longer, up to 7 days a week. OT is anything over 8 hours/day or over 44 hours/week, so it could be an amazing oppertunity to put away some money. Pretty pumped about that. They are putting me up in the hotel again, which is cool to, I really don't mind living in a hotel. I plan on talking to my Aunt Pearl and maybe getting a key to her place about 15 mins from the hotel that way if I get really sick of the life, there is a house right there, ready and open for me to pop in. But we'll see how that goes.
Haiti is fast approaching. Very fast. I leave in less than 10 weeks. Or in other numbers, 67 days. I still can't believe that I am actually going to be doing this and am very excited, but quite nervous as well. But I heard an amazing little 'proverb' in church on sunday that I am really trying to focus on, "God does not call the equipped, he equips the called". Rather than worry that I can't handle it, I am trying to focus on not working on handling it. On simply letting go and letting things happen as they are meant to do.
Had a minor car incident the other day. Nothing serious, just cost me a little bit of money is all. Watched a near brawl break out at the bar, something that my friends and I sort of inadvertently started. A couple of my girl friends are regulars at Cook, so I've gone along a couple times in the last few weeks. When we are there we meet up with some cowboys and two step the night away. Have you ever two stepped? Like really two stepped? I haven't before this but now... its awesome. Its to the point that when I was at Oil City with some other friends the other night, I found the couple guys who could two step and asked them to dance. Sure makes a difference to the night when your partner knows what to do! I really recommend it.
Beyond that there isn't alot interesting. Since I leave in just a few days for Cow Town I have a ton of things to get ready and keep pushing them aside. Gonna make for a long couple days right before I go but thats all apart of life too right? Hope life is going well for everyone, take care.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

A guest in my own home

Well the unpacking has yet to start. I had a couple buddies come visit from Calgary this weekend so needless to say I've done nothing so far. My room is full, I can hardly walk and the fact that 75% of the time I find what I go in there looking for is pretty much amazing. To be honest with you, I am sleeping in the guest room right now because I just can't bring myself to deal with the mess in my own room... Not a good scenario!
But, tomorrow my sister is probably gonna come over and help me go through a bunch of things. Organize, throw out, donate, all of that fun stuff. Almost looking forward to it... Looking forward to knowing where everything is, thats for sure!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Moving Day! (Well, sorta)

So moving week is more like it. The trouble with living close to campus is that I'd bring a couple items here and a couple items there so all of a sudden I have a ton of stuff in the apartment and it is gonna take forever to clean! Well, on the flip side, it also means I can take a few boxes home this day, and a few more this day. So I have slowly been moving out and all of a sudden today it was go time. My room in the apartment is empty but for my CD player, clock, and computer. Leaving the computer because then I have to come back tomorrow to clean and I wont cop out on it. My room at home? DISASTER ZONE! Not only do I have all the stuff that I randomly, and in an unorganized fashion, threw into boxes and bags and suitcases, but I also have all the junk that is still in my room that I kept telling myself I was going to go through sometime this year(didn't happen!)... Gonna be a long week.
I have to get home and start unpacking. At the least I need to empty my last car load and set up somewhere to sleep, but somehow I can't pull myself out of this apartment just yet.
On that note I am going to sign off and sit for a little while, in my empty and almost echoy room. Take some time out to remember the past 8 months and dream about what is to come for me in this summer, this year, this lifetime. What better time to reflect when you leave the campus of a school you wont be returning to...

Friday, April 20, 2007


Being home is great. I love having people around again(most of the time) and to return to having a social life was pretty sweet. Working only 40 hours a week now seems abnormally short, which is good because that sure makes work pass quicker. I took most of the last two weeks to adjust to being on regular, non graveyard hours, but am now pretty sure that I have returned, in whole, to life as an Edmontonian.
So my trip is booked! This summer I am going to spend 6 (SIX) weeks in Haiti! I will be volunteering at an orphanage where my job is to spend an hour a day with 8 babies. I will be living at the orphanage, eating there, working there, everything. I am super excited and quite nervous, but am looking forward to this trip with everything I have.
I fly out of Edmonton on July 29 and land in Fort Lauderdale Flordia for a 3 day adventure with mom. She just happens to have a work conference in Flordia at that time and so we get to meet up and have some time, just the two of us, under the hot Flordia sun. Then it is off to Haiti. I will depart Haiti for Fort Lauderdale on September 11(I had to do it), then its off to Toronto where I have a 6 hour overnight lay over before getting home at around 10 am on September 12(Dads bday!).
I have no idea really what I am getting into but here is a little taste of what I do know. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, and one of the poorest in the world. Something like 75% of the country does not have access to the main urban centers. It is also one of the more dangerous ones as it has had abotu 80years of civil unrest. When I land in Port Au Prince(The capital, I am not staying here), I will be picked up by Orphanage volunteers accompanied by an ARMED GUARD! It is going to be ridiculously hot there and I will have to learn to eat food that I am uncertain about. Spicy food, vegetables, refriend beans, if they cook it, I will have little choice but to eat it, and for those of you who know me, this is no small task!
But I am excited. I still feel strongly that this is something that I have to do. Whenever I start to think about bailing out, I get this pull inside reminding me that sometimes we just have to do what we have to do. We have to get up, leave our comfort zone, and enter a world that is completely forgein to us. A world without cell phones, without daily internet access, without the luxuary of money to spare. Thats what I am about to do(in 101 days!) and I am scared out of my wits!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Calgary part 5(the conclusion)

So I am home. For good this time. Or I think it is for good. They have asked when I will go back but I told them to leave me alone until May. Gives me at least a little time in my own restaurant and time to move out of the apartment and get life in order. All of that fun stuff.
I spent the week on graveyard shifts. 6pm-6am was my scheduled shifts. But it was ok. It is easier than I thought it would be to work over night and then sleep during the day. It also helped that the line cook on graves was awesome and quite possibly one of the best huggers I've ever known. Fun thing about the week is that I wasn't a server, or a server trainer on these shifts but a manager. With no official training, I was managing the overnight staff. And I think I did a pretty good job of it, seeing as when I stopped by my store yesterday to visit, the managers there were talking about the good things they had heard. So that is pretty sweet.
It turned out to be an awesome week. Got to know a bunch of the staff, while at work, and on smoke breaks, and they are pretty awesoem. I have no shame in saying that I am going to miss that store. Alot. Way more than I thought I might. Not sure I'd want to do another open, I think I get too attached to the people. I had thought saying bye to the other trainers was hard, but hugging some of those staff members bye literally had me in tears, not that it will be a long time till I see them again, but because I realized that the people that I had been spending nearly every day with were all of a sudden be 300km away. Not fun. But it was worth it. Completely.
So overall it was a really good time. I have a few minor issues with my paycheck, but with the help fo my GM it is being looked into. I plan to go back to Calgary sometime in the next few weeks to visit, a non working trip, and I look forward to doing so.
Heres to being home again. For however long it might be!

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Calgary part 4 (I Hate Cell Phones)

So back to Calgary. Got here yesterday, actually I had company for the drive again. I drove here with the son of someone mom knows. A 7 year old boy. I don't know if you have ever ridden with a 7 year old boy before, but it definitely makes for some rather entertaining moments.
Got into town, checked in to the hotel, dropped off my suitcases(I can already tell you that I wouldn't last long with this roommate. But thats ok, because tomorrow I get my own room), and off to work. I was scheduled 2-10, offered to stay until 12 so to get my 10 hours, and ended up clocked in till 2. After that I sat around there till about 3 30 or so and ended up at work for a rather long time.
Shift went ok though. I got to serve for a bit, got offered a spot on the staff again, numerous times, I found a few more huggers which is awesome in my world, and I think befriended a few of the staff. Like not just as, hey I am here for a week and need to pass some time by talking to people, I actually feel like perhaps there could be a chance that I could transfer to Calgary. Its not so bad (don't worry. I am anti-flames until the day I die, despite the best efforts of staff and customers here).
My problem right now? My cell phone. That stupid little thing that I live by. It is my watch, my alarm, and my only connection out of this place as I don't know any phone numbers without it! Yesterday, I was returning a phone call, heard him answer the phone and that was it. It froze and cut me off. So I take out the battery, return it to its spot, and try turning it on. Well the stupid machine that runs my life with such glee didn't even get past the first screen. It just sat there frozen, staring and me and daring me to fix it. Well I have tried to fix it, and I got nothing! I can not, turn on, my phone. This means no texts. No phone calls. No alarm clock. No watch. No pictures. NOTHING!
So I get up early and go to the Telus Store in South Center mall. (Early isn't saying much, early for me since I got home after 330). They imform me that they can't help me but maybe the other Telus Store in the mall can, so I go there. Well they told me that while they can send it away, it would cost a significant amount of money and could take up to a month to get it fixed. And, because I bought it at Radio Shack(No, not The Source, Radio Shack. Yes, I realize the Source bought out Radio Shack last year, but when I was buying my phone, Radio Shack was attempting to make a comeback. Since then, they have folded and from what I understand will not be returning.) because I bought it at Radio Shack, it would cost even more money to send it away. Off I go to find Radio Shack, ended up at The Source(which is where I discovered that the attempted comeback failed). Now the Source is no help to me because it doesn't deal with Telus, but, the third time is a charm and at least this guy got me a phone number to call Telus and try get help.
Call Telus from the hotel room. Go through the Channels and eventually get someone on the other line. She was friendly. That I admit freely, but beyond that, it was useless. She imformed me that I have to send it out for repairs via a cell store, listed a couple addressed and then I reimformed her I was in Calgary for the week which is my first problem. So she starts listing phone stores. I get a couple numbers of ones I think I can find, call them and discover that, go figure, as they are Calgary based stores, they can't get the phone back to Edmonton when it is fixed. Well, I don't know about you, but the thought of driving all the way here just to pick up my phone when it is fixed seems like a terrible idea!
So I now sit here, without a cell phone, for the first time in two years! For this week I need it, I live by text messaging while I am here, and now I don't even have that...
So my last 24 hours has been entertaining. I hate cell phones. And it is going to be the longest week of my life!
But how are you doing?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Calgary part 3(sort of)

It is sort of because I am in Edmonton right now, but I still label it as such because I am not yet finished in Calgary.
Yes. I am home! It is an amazing but strange feeling to be sitting at my computer with a keyboard that actually works. We got into town at like 830 this morning and it was pretty sweet that I still had the whole day ahead of me. Its nice driving as the sun rises.
Met with my Aunt and Uncle, went over to their house for juice and cake. It was really good to see them again to. It has been a while and it was a lovely visit. The last couple of shifts have been uneventful to say the least. I helped cook last night! I made burgers, on my own, and I helped the cook make some breakfasts. I didn't know what was going on but there was not a single complaint so we did something right!
Just got home from a night of dancing at Ezzies with Cheryl and some guy friends. I really do love going dancing, and it looks as if the rest of my three day visit to home is pretty full already too. Name that Tune on Thursday and a few ideas for Wednesday. Gonna be a good trip!
Had my last ballroom dancing class tonight. The last class is actually next week but since I will be out of town I will miss it and that makes tonight it. I absolutely loved the class, you should all check out the U of A Dance Club, it is so much fun!(Right Kev? Marty? Cheryl?)
And finally I printed off a bunch of prices for Hati. Going to meet mom tomorrow for lunch and discuss when I am going and how it is going to be paid for. Between that, visiting work, and getting tax stuff in order, my day looks to be full already. I can't wait for Hati. Have I mentioned that?
Hope all is well with you all. Take care and stay out of trouble!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Calgary part 2

Ok. So I only have a moment. It it 6 30 in the morning and I am just waiting for my laundry to finish and figured why not take a moment to update.
Things here are going pretty well. I just finished a week of more than 70 hours. Maybe a small number to some of you but for me that is alot. I have been working every day since last week monday(Which made the shift I just finished day 13) and if you take out my day of drive time on that Sunday, I worked the sat before and 4 other shifts that week. So in the last 3 weeks I am at 18/20 days of work. Good times.
I am settling in as a server trainer, it is still strange that I don't get to serve tables, but I kind of like that I have time to do more PR work. And when it gets busy they do give me a section. Makes for a good mix of things. The staff here is awesome, Its only been a couple of weeks but I am definitely going to miss alot of them and part of me almost wants to just stay here in Calgary, make my mark and all of that, but then I think to myself, "do I really want to be a Calgarian?" and the answer is obvious.
Tonight was one of my most nerve racking nights ever! Our graveyard manager(which is the shift I have sort of been working-6pm-4am) needed the night off, so it fell upon me to watch the floor, to manage the floor. I wore the vest and had the managers card and did so many comps, reversals, and walkouts that I am pretty sure they will never let me manage again. But at the same time, I calmed some angry guests and almost everyone left relatively happy, so it could have been alot worse.
Actually did some socializing this week. Nice change. Not alot, but hung out with a buddy(Hi Wiggles), saw my cousin, switched rooms into a KING SIZE BED in a suite with a 19 year old(rather than 45 in a double room), went shopping, and tomorrow(today) is lunch/breakfast with my aunt and uncle. Yay fun!
Going home for a few days this week and I can't wait! But I think I am looking forward to my return too. Weird. . .