Thursday, August 02, 2007

Bonjour- My first hello from Haiti

So Here I am. In Haiti.I arrived without an issue. They tell me that the airport was quiet and calm today compared to normal, which means normally it is quite chaotic. There were UN guys all over the place, and ppl trying to help me everywhere.
But, while waiting for my bags, I ran into a lady and her son who were adotpting from Gods Littlest Angels and were on their way as well! So, I had someone to walk through the chaos with.
The house is overwhelming. I have not yet met any of the kids, have met a bunch of volunteers(all of whose names I don't remember). They all seem about my age, and sounds like a fair few are from Canada and the States. So that is pretty sweet.
I"ve already made it through my first meal. Haiti food. Not sure what it was, rice and meatballs I recognized, but I ate it, and lived through it. GO Laura!
On that note, the other girls are waiting for the computers and I need to go get a tour and meet the kids(!!!!) So take care, I made it safely, I'll stay in touch! (It does seem like getting online will be alot easier than I had figured it would be).

So I got my tour. Met some of the kids, not 'my' kids yet, she is still working on that list. Tomorrow morning I start my days of working an hour a day with 8 assigned kids. Most of the work to be done is simple developmental stuff, holding them, hugging them, cuddling them, helping the older ones to sit up, stand, walk, roll over, crawl, and the even olderones, playing, helping them with their motor skills, manners(like cover your mouth, don't bite), taking them for walks... That sort of idea.
We just had supper, another Haitian dish. I admitted to them that I am a picky eater but I also told them that I plan on trying most of the food here. If not, there is always PB and J.
Taking a fair number of pictures, not sure how many will make it online while I am here, but I will have tons when I return, so if you want to see them.... just let me know after I am back.

So far it feels better being here. When I was sitting in the airport this morning, in Fort Lauderdale, I was nearly a wreck. Mom was in a diffterent terminal, and it was 7am in Flordia, never mind Edmonton, but all I wanted was to talk to someone, to get talked out of my near nervous break down. But, because it was early, with no other options, I made do on my own, made it through(with minimal funny looks from other people using the airport), and so far so good.

I can do this. I can. I just have to remember to pray, keep the faith, and remember that there are many out there who are keeping me in their thoughts and prayers as well. I am looking forward to learning some Creole, some french, to trying the Haitian foods(yes, even to trying the foods), to meeting more people, getting to know them all, spending time with the kids and making a difference in their lives, to learning more about the Haitian culture, and to having a memorable time... Here's to a good 6 weeks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it there and that some of your anxious thoughts are calming down! Yes, I've been reading your blog ever since Christine put you on hers as a link. Good to hear how you are processing everything and how you're being honest just brings a realness and freshness to your blog.
Keeping you in our prayers and hoping to hear more:>)