Friday, December 28, 2007

Merry Christmas(ya ya, I'm a little late)

Its hard to believe that it is over already. That somehow, another Christmas has snuck up and passed by.

My time in Calgary went pretty well. Although the store is short staffed and some of the staff is still undertrained, they were super friendly and I definitely enjoyed getting to know them. I can honestly say that I will miss the people there and look forward to going back to visit them. They were Fantastic (WINDEX!).

Coming home took a little getting used to. In numerous ways. First, I walk into the house(on Dec16) and there are Christmas decorations up. Christmas? Since when? I know, who would of thunk that it was coming whether or not I was paying attention. We didn't have decorations up in the restaurant, I hadn't decorated my room, I didn't even have Christmas music with me because I thought I would be home sooner. I hadn't begun my Christmas shopping. In otherwords, it was a little bit of a busy week trying to get things together.

Next different thing about life back home, less than 24 hours after I arrived back home after being gone for 5 weeks, my Brother and his Wife arrive from Denver. Now, other than the two short trips up for family weddings the last year and a half, both of which I was in the wedding party, and the week at family reunion where I definitely didn't get a chance to talk with them, I haven't seen them in almost 3 years! So it was super awesome seeing them and having the chance to get to know them a little bit.

The next day I go back to work. Well it turns out that I am finally getting crosstrained. Which means they are teaching me positions in the restaurant other than the Serving and front of house stuff. Awesome right? Well the thing is, somehow it feels like the reason they are throwing me in there is because they don't know what else to do with me. But its been almost 2 weeks of being home again and slowly I feel like I am finding my place again. I miss Calgary though. It might be time for a visit.

Finally, and what might be my biggest struggle with coming home, is the social adjustment. In Calgary I don't have much of a social life. Sometimes I hang out with the friends I am making on staff, but thats it. It is normal for me to go back to the hotel and sit around by myself, watch some tv, curl up on one of my queen size beds and sleep for as long as possible. While that makes it hard to come home, where I really don't have a social life, and not because of work(although I admit I blame my work) but just because... I don't really know why. Little desire to go out I suppose. It just gets frustrating because here it is not so commonly accepted and being home means being around people. I fear I am becoming a hermit...

Ok. So we had Christmas on the 23. Just worked out better for everyone. It was an awesome day for the most part. Church, lunch, games, gifts, games... Lots of family time, hanging out, snacks, great food, lots of laughter, and catching up. It was a ton of fun. We drew two names each this year and it was kinda neat to have some curiosity while opening a gift, wondering who it was from. My niece did an amazing job, she was such a good girl!

I got a guitar... Well technically I don't have it yet but we are going to go and pick one out real soon. Pretty psyched about that. I decided about 2 weeks ago that I want to learn and am raelly looking forward to it. I also got some Oilers stuff, including sweet tickets to the Rangers game next week.

But it feels as though I may be on Santa's 'naughty' list as well. Christmas Eve the brakes on my car went after the evening service. And late Christmas Day Night, my cell phone died. Add in to that my useless laptop battery(did I mention I bought a laptop?) and its been a very anti-technology week... Oh well...

On that note I feel like I should stop. I've been rambling for some time now. perhaps with this new laptop that I have owned for almost a week and a half, I shall blog more frequently, but we will see.

God Bless!

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