Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Update on my crazy week

Update on my crazy week?
Big english essay, still no topic, still no idea what I am doing for it, but I wrote my paragraph and now have till next week to do it! Sweet deal.
Bio poster? Have a topic, even done some research. Wrote her to ask for an extension, no response. But in class today I am 90% sure that she said we, as a class, could just hand them in on Tuesday of next week. In otherwords, I got an extension.
Bio Lab final? Just finished it a couple hours ago. We were given 2 hours and I was out in just over one, and I felt pretty good leaving then. There were some questions that I could tell you right now I have wrong, but a large number felt like they were right... Hopefully it turns out as good as it feels and I can maybe bring my mark up a bit.
Dutch 'quiz'. We get our study guide tonight and the next 48 hours will be CRAZY!!!!
Other than school, I am pumped about the game tonight. I don't believe it deserves quite the hype it has been getting, but I do love Oilers games and Chris Pronger is a star... too bad I am in class and the game is on PPV.
This weekend was fun. Hit up 3 house parties in two nights, Jennie had friends from Dordt crash for a couple nights and...
I LEARNT TO SPIN DONUTS!!! A friend has been trying to explain it to me for a while, so Sunday night I went out, with Jack(ie), and practised/learnt for 30-45 minutes! It was super fun and I can't wait to go out and try again to get even better at it!
Also, I am signed up to take SPANISH!!! Next semester for credit here at Kings. Super pumped. AND, it looks like I might be taking a for fun ballroom dance class via the UofA with some friends as well... Pretty pumped...
Thats all...
[Happy Jess??? =) ]


Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you wrote it, makes my homework much more bearable! ha ha. Anyway, ballroom dance lessons from the UofA? WOW! FUN! and also, about your bio lab final I'm sure you will do great! I just watched the news, and Craig Mactavish was saying how its always a sore spot when players leave for nicer climates, and -23 is awesome for the return of CHRISTOPHER ROBERT PRONGER! dum dum DUMMMMM!!!

Anonymous said...

Great webiste Laura!! How much gas did you go through for all the donuts??

lj said...

Not as much as you might think. And besides, it was so much fun that it doesn't matter.
Because of all that practise, I got confident in my donut ability, and yesterday on my way to the bar to watch ppv oilers at the bar, I tried to spin around a corner and I ended up about 180 degrees further than I wanted to be. So instead of getting rid of all of my pride and turning around, I popped it in Reverse and back the rest of the way out of the Kings parking lot... Sad. Yes I know.