One of the longest days of my life is now over. (Or almost over, I have plans for this evening but they will be more fun then the day will be). I had not one but TWO midterms today. Bio Lab and Dutch. Now, bio lab was only 5 % of my final mark and dutch 10% so take a guess what one I studied more for? Now guess how much more? I think I spent a total of like 15 hours or more on Dutch, because her 'quizes' are not 'quizes' they are longer and more packed with information than some diplomas I've written! (ok. Might be a bit of an exagerration). But I don't think I have ever studied so much IN MY LIFE! Meanwhile, biolab got about 45 minutes of studying and a bunch of that was during Bio class right before hand(no mom, I didn't just admit to not listening in class).
Now, I'll be honest, the lab test was way easier than i thought it would be and although it certainly didn't go perfect, it was way better than the last one. As for dutch... at least I did my matching in the right colum so I wont get 0/53 on matching again. Although there was another big mark page that I almost did all wrong. Again. But other than that, the sentences and the random words that I completly forgot, it felt like a pretty good overall test too... We'll see what the prof's say.
My advice? If you are ever thinking of taking Dutch at Kings with Mrs Richardson, DONT!!! Unless of course you don't want to learn how to speak it, just how to sound it out and write choppy sentences... No bitterness, I swear... :)
Anyways, time to go see 'Step Up' with a few of the girls, have to finish my long day on a good note. Take care out there, and remember, I'll be in Vernon on Friday!
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