Thursday, November 23, 2006

Oh the Stress

I can't believe how close to the end of the semester we are. In something like 3 weeks I will be done classes and quite possible done my exams as well. But before that there is WAY TO MUCH going on. Take next week for example. Tuesday I have my lab final along with the last lab quiz. That is also the day that my dutch prof is going to give us a study guide for our last midterm(yes mid term when finals are in like two and a half weeks). Wednesday I have a research essay due, a more than 2000 word paper that I havn't started to the point that I don't even know what it is supposed to be on. Thursday is the aforementioned dutch midterm- the one that we get study notes for a mere 48 hours earler, and due Friday is a big bio poster project that, yes I have picked a topic, but that is all I have done. So I am in three classes, and over the course of 4 days next week I have 4 HUGE assignments. Got to love crunch time!
I wont lie to you though, I am definitely going to ask for extensions on both projects. And I will ask with no shame. The only way I will be able to pull off either of them is to get more time for both. Otherwise it'll be hopeless.
So thats my vent. Gonna be an interesting week and a bit, thats for sure! Hope your end of November is going better than mine!


Anonymous said...

laura! I understand! My 6 assignments are due by next week thursday! Including that stupid unfinished research paper! I will be so proud if I can get everything done by next week thursday even though I know its not going to happen! And then 2 final exams! good grief!

Anonymous said...

Laura! when are you going to write a new post! I spend all my time at the computer doing homework and once a day I check to see if anyone has written anything about their day in their blogs, and these past few days I have been disapointed because not only have I read it, but I commented right away, and now there is nothing left to do but complain! You should try not to be so selfish and a blog for jessica! ha ha. just kidding! do your homework! its more important!

Anonymous said...

sorry, *write* a blog for jessica, just so you know and aren't confused of your requirements!

lj said...

sorry jess. i ll get on that later today. i ve got to go write a bio lab test and then i will try to think of something to write just for you!

Anonymous said...

ha ha good!