The rest of the week was spent in Hamliton with Shellys in-laws (Ians family). His brothers were in the bridal party so I know them a little bit and I had met the two girlfriends before as well so it was alot of fun. We went to Niagra Falls, over the 'Skyway' (Theres a name for all you Onatrio-ites). Went to a buffet, went bowling, we drove on the 401, and had the big party( a celebration of Ians parents 25th Anniversary and a congratulations to Ian and Shelly). The party was great, the brothers were entertaining as always, and the trip as a whole was completely worth it. To be honest, I am already thinking that maybe I want to go to Woodstock this summer to visit Becca and Dave again. But that is classic me, planning stuff that wont likely happen.
Me in front of Niagra Falls

Mom, Shelly and I in front of Niagra Falls

A Full body Hug from my sister

The Billiald Boys

The Billiald Kids (with the 2 girlfriends) and me
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