The Happy Couple

The morning before their wedding and I think they were ready to get it over with. The next 36 hours were busy, hectic, emotional, joyful, fun, entertaining, loving, and perfect... What more can a couple ask for on the weekend of their wedding?
The Bride

The bridal party

The whole group of us met on Friday. Here we are at the rehersal, waiting for our turn to goof off down the aisle. Honestly, if all bridal parties were that much fun, the world would be a better place to live. Everyone just clicked, and acted completely natural around one another, despite being relative strangers. It was awesome!
The bride and her bridesmaids

So. It is the morning of your wedding. What do you do? Well, if you are my sister, you have about a dozen girls sleep over, make a big breakfast, do hair and makeup, and enjoy your last bit of single girl time. It was a really fun morning!
In bed with...
Enjoying some last time in bed together before her bestfriends would have to give her up to a man. Good thing it is a guy like that, makes it easier to give her up I would say.
First man to see her?
Daddy of course! I took this one right as she came around the corner and he saw her for the first time.
I promise, moving on to a couple ceremony pictures now...
Walking with her proud pappa
There she is. She looked absolutely beautiful!
The celebrated couple
If you have got good eyes you can see the smiles on their faces. A wonderful ceremony and no it isn't just cause I was involved:)
Finally, what you have all been waiting for...
A picture of me:)
Now, because I already posted so many, there will be none of the reception. If you want to see some, let me know, I'll do another post, but for now, lets leave it at that. It was an awesome day and I was proud to be a part of it. There will likely be a larger number of photos on my msn spaces within the next few days. Take care. Congrats, Ian and Shelly!
sorry about all the '.' dots. I was having some enter issues.
Laura Joy Boskers,
You look absolutely astoundingly beautiful and I miss that face so incredibly much that there is a gaping hole in my heart that doesn't allow me to function properly. I'm so happy that the wedding was so amazing. I am looking forward to more pictures, of course... and I think I need you guys to send me some because my walls are bare and I don't have too many pictures of you guys up. I want at least one picture of all of you in 'our' apartment. I miss you so much and I hope to see you some time in the next.... number of years... :( I'll talk to you soon my dearest.
Love Ashley
ash my love. there are more pics on my msn spaces. lots more. check those out, they fill in alot of holes and most have a little caption on them. did you not burn p ics onto a CD last year? do you want us to email you pics or mail them? (heck if you really want i can probably send them to your nearest walmart photocenter). love you and miss you too!
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